Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Long Time

Hey everyone,
Wow it's been awhile since I've been on here. Sorry Cecile :)
So much has been going on. My daughter has been sick more this year than I can remember. It's like every week she has some kind of bug. I'm ready to pull her out of school and let my buddy Cecile home school her and Mr. Cole... Like how I volunteer her? They would not learn a thing if I did it :)
So Friday the 6th, my son (soon to be 16) actually liked me for a bit... he bugged me all week to win WWE tickets that are coming to Savannah in March. Guess who won her baby FRONT ROW SEATS???? That's right me...he's so excited but I have to say that Dad seems to be a little more excited.
Heather and I have been working hard at selling girl scout cookies... they will finally be in on the 12th. I CAN'T WAIT...guess I know where she will pick up her next bug, eating to many cookies.
Love yall