Saturday, November 15, 2008

Catching Up

Hey everyone...
Sorry it's been so long, I have no excuses just that I've been plain out lazy and haven't been on the computer much. When you are on it at work all day, you just don't want to come home and get one it some more. Everything is going pretty good. Having an MRI on my hand Monday, just some tendinitis and maybe a cist that has came up...pray it's not to bad.
Some of you know my neice Katie had back surgery, she is doing so good, I am so very proud of her.
We went scrapbooking Friday night and had a blast as always. I'm so blessed to have such wonderful friends and some of the girls I've known since "forever" and some I'm just getting to know, and I want them all to know that I cherish them and look forward to our "SCRAPPIN NIGHTS". It is so much fun and we just all enjoy our "girls" night away.
Well I will try to do better and stop by more often...Love Yall Bunches :)


I've been tagged by Trina and Cecile

This is how it goes...

1. Go to your picture
2. Upload 4th picture in 4th folder
3. Post 4

Tag 4 of your friends

Wow this is an OLD PIC... it is our youth group. We had taken them to Rincon Baptist Church to see the...oh my goodness I cannot remember what they call them selves... but it's a group of very strong men that put on a show and give testimonies and the kids LOVED IT. In the pic is... Robbie, Ashley, Austin, Trey, Gary and Rooster. I cannot make out who is next to Ashley.
This was a lot of fun. Thanks for including me in on it
Love Yall Bunches :)

Proximade Award

Proximade Award
I was presented with this award from my long time friend Cecile. I was so excited when she told me Friday night that I had received an award, and I greatly appreciate it. I copied this explanation from her blog, and here's how it goes... The nature of these awards frequently, is such, that one is requested to pass them on to others we deem worthy of receiving them , in the case of the "Proximade" award, I am expected to pass it on to five worthy souls. I will reference these good people below. First allow me to give you some explanation of the purpose of the "Proximade"----one creates one's blog and one makes posts to it---over the course of time, one receives comments and develops regular readers, and via reading each others pages and exchanging comments one grows "closer" to these people, ---so via blogging one moves into closer proximity to some individuals than one might not otherwise have come into contact with----and acknowledging this "friendship", this proximity---one earns a "proximade".Now I am presenting this award to the following people:

1. Trina
2. Cecile
3. Bonnie
4. Missy

That's the only friends I have on here and I thank God for you all. Love you bunches and thanks again Cecile :)